The Facebook Group:

Denver Women started as a Facebook Group in December 2019. In August 2020 we formed an LLC to host community building retreats in the mountains.

Fast forward to 2023, we use the group for: resource sharing, community building, finding new friends, personal development, professional development, and everything really.

We made this website to do the same things we’ve always done, just in a new place.

We are for all women:
We are allies.
We are BIPOC/BIPOC supporters.
We are LGBTQ+.
We are feminists.
We are entrepreneurs.
We are business professionals.
We moved here.
We grew up here.
We support one another.

We welcome any individual who is femme, non-binary, trans, genderqueer, or agender.

This is not an activist group. However we are humans who care and are affected by social issues, therefore activism is a very natural by-product. We recognize the very real injustices & harms against BIPOC and queer communities and hope for Denver Women to be a support system that rallies around our sisters.

Follow Us On Instagram:


  • Generally speaking, any post that is associated with a business (for profit) is considered a business post.

    This includes:

    ✨ offering free services to build portfolios.
    ✨ side hustles/anything that is charging for services
    ✨ events where business owners are inviting people to their free events/hang outs.

    Why is a free event/offer considered a business post when there isn’t any $$ made off of it?:

    A free event or offer typically falls under a business’s marketing strategy. It is a really great way to create visibility and start developing relationships with potential new business. We actually recommend doing it as it’s typically a win for everybody when communicated appropriately, however we still ask that you apply.

    We do allow nonprofits to post for free (as long as it’s not too spammy/frequent).

    Click here to apply as an AB.

  • For Community Members:

    ✨ Add yourself to our newsletter (sent monthly-ish)
    ✨ Like our page on FB to get updates
    follow us on IG

    For Approved Businesses:
    ✨ Join us in the Geneva App Community
    ✨ Add yourself to the business newsletter

  • Most events in our group are created by our members organically. We are open to hosting larger events or doing retreats again in the future as time permits and as we build the Denver Women brand! If you wouid like to be kept in the loop with this, we send out a newsletter with updates when we have them. Here’s where you can subscribe.

  • Rose Andom Center is nonprofit that centralizes resources for people seeking assistance in getting out of domestic violence situations. We donate 1/2 of initial purchases from our Tier 1 approved businesses to Rose Andom because we often times see posts of women looking for help and they’ve been an incredible option to provide members with. Here is where you can learn more about RAC.